Who should read this book?
Any developer seeking to launch a startup with no outside funding. Whether you're a solo founder or a three-person team, this book walks through how to find a product idea, how to test the market before writing a line of code, how to find the optimal price for your product, how to find and use virtual assistants, how to structure the ideal startup launch, and much more...
Why is this book relevant?
Start Small, Stay Small focuses on practical, step-by-step instructions used by hundreds of developers on the road to launching their startups. Whether you have a product idea or are still looking, this book takes you through the process of finding an idea, testing it, converting visitors to buyers, and attaining profitability as quickly as possible.
“Every software engineer can pull an idea out from here…I wish I had this when I was starting my business.”
— Patrick Mckenzie, KALZUMEUS
“Great how-to guide about being a microprenuer: an entrepreneur running many small but profitable websites."
— Derek sivers
“An awesome combination of big-picture ideas with tools and tactics to make it happen.”
– Harry Hollander
Moraware Software
“I’ve read every book you can find about launching a startup, and this is by far the most valuable.“
– Ruben Gamez
“Congrats @robwalling for ‘shipping’ – it’s GREAT stuff!“
— Peldi
“Started reading @robwalling’s book tonight. Got about 25 pages in, and I can already tell I’m going to like it.“
– Joel Ross
“Possibly the best book on Developer Startups ever written”